Excellent Tina. Story of my life regarding music. I live in a country where Jedward are probably more famous than Van Morrison. Nobody, and I mean nobody promotes mediocrity like the Irish. Especially RTÉ. It’s totally deliberate, we have some incredible undiscovered talent in this country, but I’ve also come to realise, we don’t need to exist in that world and what’s happening now here is quite beautiful, there’s a whole underground subculture that has developed and it’s actually making the mainstream (in all its iterations) more and more irrelevant.

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YouTube has really changed things for small bands. When I see them on YouTube and I really like them, I will go out to their concerts on their tours.

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Have jedward not been rounded up and thrown out of helicopter yet? If not..why not?

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Every word resonates deeply. Thank you for this.

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Those who fund many of these works are intent on breaking the soul and spirit. I kind of like some dark art, aka Francis Bacon, if only for the texture and shape. I found the brush strokes and layers of paint fascinating. It must be said I was going through personal turmoil at the time! Which may account for my recollection. Lowry lightens the mood only in so far as it conjures up nostalgic imagery of industrial settings as does Porteous Butler with his landscapes. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess and my wall art wouldn't necessarily appeal to all. My own creativity lies on a potters wheel or a wood turning lathe.

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Every day and in every way I can. The current reality is a B Movie playing inside an empty cinema and no need to buy a ticket for that,

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True in every way.

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Gil Scott-Heron's B Movie

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I felt every word thank you . Beautiful article ❤️

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Yep. Spot on, so thank you. It occurred to me that some of what we are seeing is the result of easy access and input to mass media by the majority of the population. It used to be difficult to follow your muse. You had to search within newspapers, libraries, news stands, talk to other people. Now at the brush of a fingertip one can find and interact with whatever their interest's desire. This has allowed a great cross-pollination of ideas, but it has also driven the collective discourse to the lowest common denominator. And so there is a bifurcation occurring. Those who feel their connection with infinity, their tether to fundamental truth, are not currently in the majority in this realm. Things are improving, but we're racing to the fork in the road, no?

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Thanks for the reminder Tina

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What Tina is pointing out is extremely important and extremely powerful! Art is magic, and magic is art! Currently, the self-appointed rulers are starring on the marquee of life and the real artist are banned from mainstream, fine whatever! Ok think, in the 1930s the Hays code 1934 to 1968 from the far-right, controlled Hollywood Movies, but the very creative got around it and still made some of the greatest movies ever produced! That moved people's hearts and minds and inspired a generation of the 1960s and 1970s, in the 1960s music scene, the underground had more power than mainstream (like we do right now in terms of the alternative media but not much power, its infiltrated) Then the sellout shit happened when temptation of coin for multi-million dollar contracts which is in force to this very day, but a Quentin Tarantino bucked that system and did his own thing, never joining the unions or clubs! His films exploded on the marquee like a rock star! ART IS POWER, the rulers have no creativity, none, nata, zilch, they'll bore you to death as well as their minions they choose to peddle their causes as sold-out artists. The good news is a significant portion of the public does not give a shit about celebrities anymore and are STARVING for ART. My mother who is literally brainwashed and used to love art, movies and music will not watch a movie now! She says, I don't care about those far-left loons and their rot-gut garbage (she's country lol, so am I) . My Point: These rulers are NOT magical supernatural beings with SUPERNATURAL magic power, they're akin to the fake wizard behind the curtain that Toto the dog exposes in the Wizard of Oz! Yes, I do believe in magic, because life without magic is like gasping for air, and struggling to survive, magic is as natural as breathing! Magic's inspiration is like food that feeds and gives quality to life. ART has the power to override the current shit-show, history proves this! What an opportunity with little to no competition, to burst this chokehold energy of Nazi Occultists that is based on the artificial and anti-nature who are spiritually handicapped requiring the aid of machines (this is another story) it's worse than we realize, but as I've expressed ART is POWER, Artificial is not

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When I go to all the small art galleries, art, museums, and art festivals, half the art is halloween-ish, gore-ish, depressing, or Gothic type. Then the rest of it has a lot of abstract nonsense. There's very little art that lightens you and makes you happy. When I do find it I take a picture of it. I would say it's close to 1%.

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I was in art school as a teenager and I remember having to go to museums often. I only ever enjoyed the older sections, the modern art sections I always left with a bad feeling, a headache or nausea. Never once do I remember leaving the modern art section with a good feeling.

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There is a huge gallery near my town which I've visited a few times. The modern art I find comedic and seems the work of the silly and demented. It is interesting to observe the other exhibitions, meaning the mainly middle class buffoons gawping at this crap and spending a pile of money in the gift shop.

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I also look at the background of the person and try to gauge their sanity or the credibility. Are they married, do they have happy kids, or do they stand up and be unPC? What message do they have to tell the world if they are not credible? A lot of them have a mental illness.

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Superb tina. Yes, this it certainly part of the general demoralisation agenda. A prison needs grey and brown walls and sensory deprivation is a well known torture technique. This is all exacerbated by the the silent warders of npc and normie. I recognise your descriptions completely and have experienced despondency because I know the world has the capacity to produce colour, character and profound experiences. Normie and npc cannot be changed, rather they can only decline further. This current banal epoch will simply dissappear into the swirl of time and be considered as an affront and a shameful waste.

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I remember what Thomas Sheridan said in one of the recent VONs about creative projects that matter even if seen by only a few people.

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Robert Hughes the art critic talked in a similar vein. His last documentary New Shock of the New (available online) was an ode to beauty and a satire of the 'elevated'. It had me twisted laughing. Great monograph!

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Ty Tina. Insightfully and beautifully written. ⛩️

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Todays "pop" music is for people that don't care about music, that dont think its even important. I get wierd looks for my enthusiasm for the music i love and defensive attitudes when im critical of the monotonous swill im forced to listen to for 8 hours a day while I work. It really does all sound like the same song on repeat.

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very relevant, and i so agree!

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